Sunny Side

A few notes on life, etc.

Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sunny Side

Phone Etiqette Tip of the day: If you work for the copier scam people, please please please go get a real job! Although admittedly, that would deprive me of the pleasure of dealing with calls like this:
Caller: Hi, this is Very Friendly Voice Janet with the Copy Center!
Me: Uh, huh...(dripping sarcasm)
Caller: We're updating our records, and we just need someone to check the model number on your copier!
Me: (sweetly) What do YOUR records show we have?
Caller: CLICK
Actually, these folks are kinda fun to play with. I like to ask them for their company name and address, their phone number, and their name, and their supervisor's name, and how many years they've been in business. If I am super friendly back sometimes I can actually get their supervisor's name, while I keep them chatting pretending to be walking to the copier to get the information they want so they can send me a whole lot of crap toner and bill me for it, refuse to take it back without a hefty restocking charge,and threaten to sue me when I refuse to pay the bill. On a really good day, the person on the phone will tell me to do something physically impossible to myself and hang up.
Yesterday I also had not one, but TWO calls from The Super Friendly Cold Call Sales Guy- these are interchangeable since the script goes the same no matter where they're calling from.
Caller: Hi, this is SFCCSG, how's the weather there today? (Or How are you today?)
Me: Fine, how may I help you?
Caller: I need to speak with the person responsible for ordering your printer supplies, who would that be?
Me: Oh, I am so sorry- she has asked me to let people who call know that she is happy with her current arrangement, but thank you for calling! CLICK! (CHUCKLE!!!)
Caller: WTF???


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