Sunny Side

A few notes on life, etc.

Location: Midwest, United States

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Now I'm all curious, dang it!

Not a horrific phone day today, only a couple real pains in the butt- things seem to be looking up, even for a Thursday! Although there was this one call this afternoon from one of my all-time favorites, the Bogus Copier People. It made the third call this week from them, and it featured Super Friendly Voice Guy. Those of you who answer phones for a living know what kind of wanker I'm talking about- they ooze honey all over the phone, and after they hang up you have to get out the soapy cloth and clean up. Bleah. We hates them. So anyway, I answer the phone in my normal professional manner...
Me: Good Afternoon, My Company
Super Friendly Voice Guy: Hi! How are you today! How's it going!
Me: Fine. How may I help you?
SFVG: Well now, I'm with the copier company, and I just need you to go check the number on the front of your copier. It has about five digits, and it's right on the front-- do you think you can do that for me?
My Fantasy Response: I think I can shove your head right back up your ass from whence it came, and do it oh, so gladly, you peabrained ditwad!
My REAL response: Well now, what do YOUR records show we have?
SFVG: My records don't show anything.
Me: Well then I guess you're not my copier company.
Me: CLICK. Ditwad.
So now I'm all curious as to just what it was he was about to suggest I hump. Tsk, tsk, Super Friendly Voice Guy. Temper, temper.
Although he didn't even come close to being my all-time nastiest caller. A lady from one of those wonderful phone companies that try to switch your service from your current provider to THEIR company has that title. I must have really pissed her off, because when it became clear she wasn't getting what she wanted from me, she said, and I quote, "Fuck you!" I disconnected her, and she called right back and said, "Fuck your Mother!" Now, please. That's just tacky. Here's a hint: If you work for a chickenshit company like the Bogus Copier People or the Sneaky Phone Service Snitchers, you must learn to deal with disappointment. Contrary to what they told you in Training, not every single person in the world is too slow to catch on to your little scam. Some of us are not only smarter than you, we have quicker disconnect buttons. So don't mess with us. That will be $500.00 for the advice. Pay us in cash. (think we'd take a check from someone who scams people for a living? Hardly.)
On to other things: The Christian Strip Club update. Y'all have been a little slow with the comments, but that's okay. I've been talking with some of the local ministers, and most of them seem to feel that it's a great idea. None of them are willing to actually host the club in their building, what with the zoning laws and all, but I have gotten a positive reception. As a matter of fact, they're thinking it could help keep some of the congregation in town over the weekend, since right now most of the ones who partake of such entertainment go out of town to get it, and get back home too late on Sunday morning to get to church. This must be to avoid the embarrassment of being seen locally in a regular strip club, which is understandable, but it does cut down on the collection plate totals.
So now I'm starting to look for a building. I'm thinking something fairly sizable - it'd be nice to have room to expand if this is a real success. Stay tuned for more developments!


Blogger Jay said...

Oh we totally should get this started! I will have to start looking around for some good buildings. Or you could go for that thing like in Iowa.. A performing arts center!

6:56 AM  

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