Sunny Side

A few notes on life, etc.

Location: Midwest, United States

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Moving on....

Been too long since I've stopped in here for a chat!
News in my world:
I have sold the Christian Strip Club, since it was taking way too much of my time. After we added the Lazarus Lapdance, (Guaranteed to Raise the Dead) for the over-70 crowd, the place got extremely busy. Couples Night was a solid success and the money was pouring in, so I got out while the getting was good. Best of luck to the new owners! Stop in and see 'em sometime!

More news in my world:
There are those among us who are decidedly not the brightest candles in the courtyard. With that in mind, I will share with you all some job hunting tips.

1. Disable your cell phone, put it on vibrate, shut it off, leave it in your car, but do NOT, I repeat, do NOT answer it
a.) while filling out your application, especially when it turns out to be your chatty pal who wants to discuss what you all did last night or what you all wanna do tonight...
b.) while waiting for your interview, when the caller is your partner with whom you then have a lovely argument right there in the lobby...
c.) DURING your interview, when the caller is your partner asking if you have FINALLY actually made it to one of the two thousand interviews she/he scheduled for you...

2. Be clean and dressed appropriately. No one in Human Resources will appreciate ripped up clothing and truly nasty T-shirts. If it has an obscene word on it, save it for the weekend- it sure as hell won't get you hired and might get you a quick invitation to go right back out the door, which if you're lucky won't hit you in the ass on the way out.

3. If you're hung over, still drunk, or high, please stay the hell home. You ain't getting hired anywhere in that kind of shape, and don't kid yourself, the folks in the office know- you're not the first loser to come and try to bullshit your way through the interview.

4. It is considered bad form to hit on the interviewer. If you think she's hot, just resist the temptation to hold her hand when she greets you. Holding the handshake way too long and maybe even giving her hand some extra, "special" squeezes will not get you a.) hired or b.) laid, so give it a rest already. You've just proved you have no idea how to behave in a business environment. Way to go, dude.

Tune in again later for more job hunting tips!